Itchy scalp? Root causes and quick fixes

June 22, 2021

Itchy scalp? Root causes and quick fixes

“What’s wrong with my scalp???”

We’ve probably all asked ourselves that question when we’ve experienced an itchy scalp, but sadly, simple answers can be to come by. The Hairwell team wants to cut to the chase and help you solve this mystery, and we’re adding a few quick fix suggestions, too!

Like most itchy conditions, an itchy scalp could be caused by the obvious: allergies. Skin allergies are exceptionally common, as they have a countless list of possible causes, both natural and man-made. And because so many hair care and beauty products are saturated with chemicals and additives used as preservatives, these items could be – pardon the pun – at the root of the problem. So what’s the solution? Read the label! Just like we’ve all become accustomed to doing at the grocery store, take the time to read the labels on your hair care products. Two rules of thumb? One, if the list is too long, place it back on the shelf. Second, if you can barely pronounce most if not all the ingredients, keep walking. Instead, look for products that have as many natural ingredients as possible. It might take a little sleuthing, but it’s worth the effort, and your scalp will definitely thank you.

Now let’s explore the next most obvious reason for itchy scalp: dandruff. Also known by its fancy name of seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff is caused by an overgrowth of yeast – the kind that actively lives on the skin of just about every human on the planet. The flakes that result can easily and quickly run rampant on your scalp, and wreak havoc on its condition by generating redness and discomfort. Because of the yeast’s preference for oily environments, you would think that dandruff wouldn’t be as common on naturally dry Black scalps. However, that same dryness is the reason Black women use so many moisturizing products, which heightens oil on the scalp as well as the hair, creating a more welcoming environment. Hairwell suggests that to curb the problem, wash your hair each week, and use a gentle clarifying shampoo that also contains some natural oils. Look for ones that cater to Black hair, as that way, you can effectively detox your scalp without drying it out.

Speaking of detoxing, if you’ve come to the conclusion that your flakes aren’t dandruff after all (dry flakes are white, while dandruff flakes lean more towards yellow), the itch might be coming from TMP, or Too Much Product. As we mentioned, Black hair is notoriously dry and void of any significant natural oils. While moisturizing is absolutely essential, we all have a tendency to go a little overboard now and then. If you’ve been basking in multiple treatment products, you may want to reconsider. Once again, we recommend a calming clarifying shampoo to slough off product build-up, and when that’s been settled, keep your products to a minimum for a while. In other words, less is more. Also, be sure to rinse thoroughly on wash day!

Finally, if you are prone to having dry skin in general, you may very well be suffering from a dry scalp. Dryness causes itchiness, especially in colder climates, so the simple solution is to treat your scalp like you do the rest of your skin. While you can up your water intake for better hydration, our suggestion is after washing, take a few drops of natural scalp oil and massage it in gently and thoroughly. This mini-treatment also great for circulation – which in turn promotes hair growth and health – and for fighting excess bacteria. Again, less is more, so don’t use so much that you risk product build-up.